Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Leadership Opportunities for Gay Youth in Charlotte, NC

Social And Advocacy

Social Activities
Time Out Youth offers a variety of social activities for youth quarterly.  Our Youth Senate plays an integral role in the planning and hosting of all social activities Past activities have included:  field trips to museums, plays, and movies, as well as larger events such as Lock-In’s, LGBTQ Summer Camp, and our popular LGBTQ Prom.

LGBTQ PromDon’t feel comfortable bringing the date of your choosing to you school sponsored Prom? Want to attend a Prom wearing clothes that validate your gender identity?  Here’s your chance!  Each year over one hundred students from Mecklenburg and surrounding counties attend this event, complete with a local DJ, Prom photos, delicious food, and great company. 
First Friday Events:  On the first Friday of each month, we hold a special event, whether it’s a potluck dinner, a dance, or just an evening of movies  and pizza, these nights are a time for fun and celebration.
Lock-Ins:  Twice a year Time Out Youth holds overnight lock-ins.  These fun-filled events include movies, karaoke, games, and very little sleep.  Check out our Events Calendar for dates and times.

LGBT Summer Camp:  This summer day camp will include leadership activities, field trips, games, learning opportunities, and much more fun.
Advocacy and Awareness Events
Advocacy is a core aspect of Time Out Youth’s mission and programming.   As an LGBTQ youth center, we advocate on behalf of LGBTQ youth in our community, in schools, and within their families.    Youth develop advocacy campaigns and speak out for equal rights and treatment of themselves and/or the LGBTQ community. Time Out Youth provides opportunities for youth to develop leadership skills, raise awareness about the LGBTQ community, help make safer spaces for LGBTQ youth and allies, and advocate for positive social change.

As an agency, we design programming around the following national and local Awareness Days: 

Day of Silence - The National Day of Silence is a day of action in which students across the country vow to take a form of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools.

Pride Charlotte –This is an opportunity for those who identify as LGBTQ and their allies to come together to create and celebrate our community.  For more information please visit www.gaycharlotte.com.

Ally Week - Ally Week, held annually in October, is dedicated to identifying, supporting, and celebrating allies against anti-LGBT bullying and harassment. 

National Coming Out DayEvery year, on October 11th, we celebrate with pride the act of coming out as LGBTQ or as an ally.  For more information, please visit www.hrc.org.

Transgender Day of Remembrance - Transgender Day of Remembrance, held each year on November 20th, serves as a day to memorialize those whose lives were lost due to anti-transgender fear, bigotry, and hatred.
World AIDS Day - World AIDS Day is held on December 1st each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV, and to commemorate people who have died.

for more info, go to timeoutyouth.org.  The address is 1900 The Plaza and the number is 704 344 8335.

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